Saturday, September 5, 2009


Yep... it happened. So strange because I have no known enemies aside from the groms that surf my local break (who i will continue to abuse until they grow out of grom-hood).
When someone eggs you, they do it to spite you. Here's the crazy thing... these little hoodlums actually did me a favor because the fact is... I LOVE eggs. I do. I Love them!

I personally believe that eggs smell amazing. And it's a well known fact that they're packed with protein. I love the way eggs look. I even love the lifelong mystery that eggs have given us (was it the chicken or the egg??). I may even make sweet, sweet love to an egg one day.

So... when the rooster crowed, the sun came up & i walked outside to find my vehicle covered in mysterious protein goodness, did I get angry? Nay, I say. I rejoiced. I looked up at the sky and thanked the universe for the little rat bastards that committed this cruel intentioned act. I may never wash my car again.

If you really wanted to upset me you should have thrown Cauliflower at my car. Cauliflower sucks...

Eggs... they're radical!!