Photo shoot with Keala back in LA/makeup by Roxy

Ornella... focused.
Damn hippies.
I'm telling you, all Leah does is smile.
spark a fire
The brother Mitchell.
Tippy & Mitchell building a new section of the homemade skatepark.
And this would be a skatepark pork dinner.
Da boys.
Kuma, psyching for the beach.
Rochelle chasing the dogs on a gorgeous day @ Chun's.
The incredibly talented Heather Brown. She did a lot of artwork for the contest.
Rochelle & a mold of her tata's (art for benefit).
Your's truly... double shaka. That's how I do...
Betty Depaleto a.k.a. Bonzai Betty. She worked so hard all week. clipboard still in hand!
Rochelle loves art so much sometimes she just has to eat it.
Maria, Rochelle, Ornella, Jen, Leah, Megan and Cori. A little post artshow Din-Din.
Rochelle, pre-heat. Moments later she got a nice barrell at backdoor.
There's many sides to Rochelle. This one is 'soul surfer'.
KK! My seestah from another mother?
photo proof that Keala will hug a Haole.
Roundtails are just sexy to me.
Jen Smith. I never thought longboarding looked fun until i saw her get some waves.
SuperWoman Jane!
Claire killed it & won the contest. Congrats Bevo!
Leah...yep, always smiling. Can't help but be stoked around her.
The crowd awaits the crowning of Bevo.
LOVE Cori. She took 1st in the Longboard division. stoked for you!
The "creative director of the North Shore" about to mash it up, waikiki style.

Maile insisted on 2am chicken. I just had to sit back and laugh.
This is what Chinatown does to you.
KK bringing deep barrells and 80's style back, all in the same day.
Life is good
A beer in a field does the job just fine.
Rule #1
They may be great at surfing but, their golf swings... suspect!
Leah, gunning for a beer sponsor.
girl talks are different out here. "wanna surf over shallow reef with sharks?" "Oh my God, yay!"
Rochelle, Leah, Megan, Cori and Maria. I love this shot.
Mitchell cruising.
Maria & Cori @ the Wyland gallery.
Still gunning for a beer sponsor!
Girls wear heels in Hawaii, too! They just have tiki Gods carved into them.
Waikiki nights
Rochelle of the jungle.
The contest site.
KK before our V-Land session.
A common theme here. Rochelle will eat anything she loves.
autograph time.
Heather... creating.
Keala... deep in thought? Nah, probably napping under those shades.
Pipeline starting to show itself.
Leah talks strategy with Rochelle before her heat.
the only board i brought to Hawaii... a 5'6 pod. Damn, Haole.
Rochelle with some morning tea on Keiki beach...

First day back home. Trying to take a little Hawaiian power back to my homebreak.
Roxy... see that Hawaiian style?
Mike got a little sequence shot of me in a mini barrell. Yep... barrells are different out here but, I'm claiming it!
The brother Mike... all business.
Breakfast with Roxy & Mike. Hawaii... not so far away.