Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Aspen Peak Magazine
Sunday, November 14, 2010
My 30 seconds with Kristen Bell...
She couldn't have been more amazing. Check out the current issue of L.A. Confidential to see more photos and interview with Ben Lyons.

My first time in FOAM magazine...
I've wanted to work with them for awhile now as I just love the mag. We had a great time creating lots of fun images with model Krystina Holbrook (one of the first models I ever photographed many moons ago). I'll be shooting with FOAM again this week....

Stylist: Zoe Buck
Model: Krystina Holbrook @ Next
Makeup: Jennifer Fiamengo @ Tricia Joyce Inc.
Hair: Kristen Shaw
Monday, October 4, 2010
Kobe Bryant Interview...
Check out my co-interview/cover story on Kobe in the October issue of L.A. Confidential out now. (photos by Marc Baptiste)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
CC SKYE S/S 2011
Another AMAZING shoot with CC. Most are saying this is our best one yet. I absolutely love our collaborations...
Friday, September 10, 2010
My agent-less days are over...
I'm very happy to announce that I officially have an agent now. Just Add Water management (I mean, how perfect is that for me?) is a new agency co-founded by former creative director Kirsten Ludwig and founder/Director of ARTMIX, Bruce Kramer. This is a new agency with a new approach and feedback thus far has been incredible. Kirsten, working out of New York, brings her creative expertise to the table having worked with companies such as Anthropologie, Ralph Lauren, American Eagle and Ron Herman. I have to say, it's going to be really amazing having her involved with my shoots from concepts all the way thru to finish. Out in LA, Bruce will bring all his experience to the table as well. Bruce has been in the business a long time and his guidance and feedback has been invaluable to me already. I'm in great company... the other photographers in the JUST ADD WATER family are unbelievably talented, each with their own spin & style visible throughout their work (and all really cool people, too!).

Please check out the web site when you have a chance...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Ray LaMontagne interview...
Check out my story on Ray LaMontagne in the September issue of L.A. Confidential. I'm feeling very honored that he put my interview up on his web site as well. Ray has been my favorite artist for years now so, it feels like a bit of a dream come true. Check it out when you can: http://www.raylamontagne.com/us/home

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It's been a very busy month...
Images from the Kristen Bell shoot, CC SKYE S/S 2011, B-Low The Belt 2011, Aspen Peak editorial all coming soon!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
L.A. Confidential - September issue...
Our story is out now. I'm so proud of my talented team & everyone involved. We've had unbelievable response so far. Hope you enjoy as well...

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Seventeen Magazine
From my first shoot for Seventeen. "Style Council" real girls with their on unique twist on style...

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Go, CC... it's your birthday!

Oh, CC Skye... where to begin?
CC & I met years ago when I shot her first campaign. We had a great time & worked well together, but we hadn't really become friends. It wasn't until recently that we formed a very close bond. I've done many shoots for her now & I've always loved the collaborations we've shared, but now I have a whole new love for her. In the last year we somehow wound up in a circle of friends that share weekly dinners somewhere in Malibu (where CC reigns Queen) or on the west side of town. Our little group is pretty eclectic, all very different, yet somehow we ALWAYS find ourselves laughing the nights away. I've always admired CC for her creative talents & her incredible business savvy. Her uncompromising loyalty as a client is pretty amazing as well. She has started a business with an idea and taken it to such great heights... only to grow more and more in the years to come. ALL of these things are impressive. BUT what I truly adore is the "real" CC... A Malibu girl that has an undeniable warmth about her, a razor sharp wit that can sometimes catch people off guard and a heart of gold. To get to know CC, to REALLY know her... is to love her. Everyone should be so lucky.
I know it's not your birthday quite yet, but since I'll be traveling when it comes around... a very, very happy birthday to you, CC. And congratulations on turning 25 again (wink, wink).
-- zee Barrett
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A never ending month...
What has caused my lack of blogging? Death? Too much surfing & being lazy? Broken thumbs? Nay, I say. The truth is, the last six weeks have been a whirlwind of amazing happenings. I will dive into each event in greater detail once I am back in my Los Angeles nest, but the basic rundown is...
Two more amazing shoots for Delia's in New York.
"Style Council", my first shoot for Seventeen Magazine.
Wrote my first interview for L.A. Confidential with my favorite musician, Ray LaMontagne.
Prep work for my first fashion editorial for Seventeen Magazine.
Shot the fall fashion editorial for L.A. Confidential, September issue (10 pages! So thrilled!).
Prep work for the B-low The Belt campaign.
Began writing my latest Screenplay.
Portrait of Jeff Rudes (Founder of J. Brand jeans).
Portrait of Cecilia Cassini (10 year old fashion designer).
Early prep work for upcoming editorial for Gotham Magazine.
Another shoot for Elle Magazine.
Details & behind the scenes photos on all to come. Ahhh, Summer... my favorite time of year.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
"A natural alternative to Ambien"
As many of you know, my room mate and best friend is comedian David E. Taylor. If you've yet to live with a stand up comic, I highly recommend it...

About two years ago I received a copy of "Fly, Rod & Reel" as well as some other bass fishing magazine. The subscription was in my name. Most of you know me as a "water" guy... I spend more time in the ocean than I do on land, but I have never gone fishing. So, you can imagine my surprise when I started to receive these publications. At first it was funny... then they just kept coming. Eventually, my comic room mate David started putting them on my pillow when they arrived. I would come home from a long week in New York, Miami or wherever, walk in my cozy room overly excited to sleep in my own bed, only to find a fishing magazine staring me in the face. Sometimes, he would hide them under my pillow and I wouldn't notice for two days (though, not so coincidentally, I would dream of "reeling in the big one"). I started to feel consumed, surrounded, nay... stalked by fish. Despite all my objections, I was slowly turning into a fisherman. On nights of boredom, I'd actually read them. I found them to be a natural alternative to Ambien. You can read one of these magazines and be sleeping like a lamb within five seconds. I still have yet to go fishing, but I can damn sure tell you how to catch that elusive bass. I have become an unwilling expert.
Recently, after having a "few too many" at our local watering hole, David finally admitted to me that he had signed me up for the subscriptions. Apparently he was incredibly bored the day the offer came in the mail. And, I mean... why wouldn't he sign me up?
In the last few weeks, I began receiving reminders that my subscription was running out soon. "Thank the fishing Gods" I thought. I will finally have peace...
Wishful thinking. I came home from my last trip to find a fresh issue on my pillow. Thank you, Dearest David... so kind of you to renew.
"Nice Bass".

Friday, May 7, 2010
10 days of Yoga, Sun, Surf & fun!
My yoga instructor Julie Rader is hosting a retreat in Tahiti for 10 days this June. It is going to be bananas (and by that I mean amazing). Perfect waves, perfect weather and lots of R&R. Prices start at $1,550.00 per person which includes Yoga, lodging, 3 meals a day as well as airport transfers. June 7th-17th... come get your mind & body right. See the flyer below... for more info contact info@Juliesyoga.com

From a shoot I did w/ Julie for French mag Surfeuses.

Friday, April 23, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The latest CC SKYE shoot...
Yet another really fun shoot for CC SKYE. We shot this one at the Mondrian Hotel on Sunset. It was a fast paced shoot (just like we like it!) and everyone came away stoked! Here's a couple samples. More to come...

Model: Frankie @ Next
Styling: Annie Jagger
Makeup: Lexi Swain
Hair: Sunny Brook Jones
Photo assist: Bummy
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